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Democrats Default to Normalcy: Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday Miracle
Ah, Normalcy. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen you. But: How long you staying?
After three years — it seems like a century — of Donald the Crazy, Donald the Cruel, Donald the Destroyer, it is a new feeling, but not entirely unfamiliar, this feeling of normalcy, to see Joe Biden’s smiling and familiar face, “Uncle Joe,” pop up on the TV screen as the winner of state after state, 10 out of 14 in play, this Super Tuesday.
As the night wore on, I had a vision of normalcy spreading across the map — from Alabama, North Carolina, Virginia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Texas (Texas?).
And after a year of a crowded and increasingly rancorous Democratic presidential campaign — it too feels like it’s been waged a century — the race was shaping up, pre-Super Tuesday, as a final showdown between two very angry men: Bernie Sanders, democratic socialist who disdains the Democratic party label and vows a “political revolution,” versus Donald Trump, belching human furnace of craziness, cruelty, destruction.
That distressing prospect was captured by The Economist’s current cover, showing Sanders and Trump in full bellow mode and headlined: “American Nightmare: Could It Come to This?” (Note the cowering Uncle Sam.)
Contrasted with these two angry men, moderate Joe Biden is so….refreshing. Ah, Normalcy.
Am I equating normalcy with nice-guy equanimity, with not-shouting? Maybe. America has…