In Reckoning, America Recovers Its Moral Compass

Carla Seaquist
5 min readNov 11, 2019

Given the cacophony of destruction all around — of democratic norms, of ignoble policy, of polarization grown ever more vicious, all driven by our Disrupter-in-Chief, Donald Trump — Americans could be forgiven for fearing that all is lost for the ship of state and we are going down, fast.

Compounding this fear is the knowledge that our destruction is self-inflicted, not forced by external actors or factors. Unforced, Trump surrendered our mantle of Leader of the Free World, trashed our reputation as trusted ally. Domestically, he stokes racism and…



Carla Seaquist

Our times examined via politics, culture, morality. Author, "Can America Save Itself from Decline?" (Vol. II). Playwright. Fmr. HuffPost.